jami young leadership coach marketing consultant

I speak with intelligent, accomplished women every day. CEO's, creatives, authors, entrepreneurs, and experts.

They share a common trait:


While good at appearing confident, they secretly resist making truly bold decisions:

+ going for that promotion
+ turning their ideas into businesses
+ negotiating like a pro
+ marketing their companies
+ aligning their careers to feel happier

Lots of smart women have mastered the art of staying small.

I'll show you how.


I recently invited Jami to facilitate a session for the women’s empowerment initiative that I co-lead and it was amazing! There were laughs, tears and true transformation. Jami zeros-in on blocks and guides people through them, even in a group setting. She goes above and beyond to deliver her content and I felt showered in gifts. I’m looking forward to working even deeper with Jami in the future and I highly recommend her to anyone who is aiming towards living their true desires.

Vanessa Schellenberg


Rise by Design taught me awareness: awareness of what I am capable of and awareness of the person I truly am. Soon after beginning the course, I made a significant and exciting career move. The work we did helped me make great decisions and follow the best course of action for my personal fulfillment. Jami is amazing, inspiring and so uplifting!
I think every woman should take this course - EVERY. SINGLE. WOMAN. 

Caralee Halmrast